I’m Sarah. I’m here to help you look good and feel better.

Session Bundles

If you’re ready to fully commit for the summer, bundle your sessions at a lower cost. Or, get one session at a time if you have big travel plans.

10-Session Bundle
$140 one-time
This gets you access to ten (10) sessions this summer at a reduced rate–an average of one session per week. You choose the days and locations that work best for you!
20-Session Bundle
$240 one-time
This gets you access to ALL sessions in the 10-week series, at both locations! You’ll be able to sign up for two sessions per week, in North Portland and SE Portland.
Single Class
$12 one-time
Not sure of your schedule? Got big travel plans this summer? Sign up for a single class of your choice, at your convenience.
* all participants are expected to sign up for class by 7pm the night before class.



